🛠️ VitNode is still in development! You can try it out, but it is not recommended to use it now in production.


Frontend communicates with the backend via GraphQL and use SSR to fetching data. The GraphQL queries are defined in the graphql/queries or graphql/mutation folder. The queries are then used in the frontend components.

Generate GraphQL Types

VitNode use GraphQL Codegen (opens in a new tab) to generate types for GraphQL queries. The types are generated in the graphql/hooks.ts file.

Find Query or Mutation

First we need to define the GraphQL query in the graphql/queries/${module_name} (if you want query) or graphql/mutations/${module_name} folder.
You can find list of available queries in your API.

If you are running development server go to http://localhost:8080/graphql (opens in a new tab) to see the list of available queries.

Define Query

When you find the query or mutation you want to use, copy the query/mutation and paste it in a new file with .gql extension. Remember to sort the query by module.

For example file graphql/queries/module_name/authorization.gql:

query Authorization_custom_app {
  authorization_custom_app {
    user {

Generate Types

After defining the query, you can generate the types by running the following command:

npm run codegen

The command will overwrite the graphql/hooks.ts file.

Use Query in Component

After generating the types, you can use the query in the frontend component.

Create Folder for Hook

Create a new hook inside your folder component. Your schema should be similar like this:

        • use-overview-view.ts
  • Create Hook

    Inside your hook (for example use-overview-view.ts file) import useQuery from @tanstack/react-query.

    import { useQuery } from '@tanstack/react-query';
    import { fetcher } from '@/graphql/fetcher';
    import {
    } from '@/graphql/hooks';
    export const useOverviewView = () => {
      return useQuery({
        queryKey: ['Authorization_Custom_App'],
        queryFn: async () =>
          await fetcher<Authorization_Custom_AppQuery, Authorization_Custom_AppQueryVariables>({
            query: Authorization_Custom_App
        placeholderData: previousData => previousData

    You can read more about fetching data in Fetch and Revalidate Data.